Is There A Cure For Diabetes?

Is There A Cure For Diabetes?

The short answer is no. For the long answer, keep reading… The most common therapy touted as a cure for diabetes is weight loss (bariatric) surgery. Most patients lose an average of 25-40% of their total body weight after bariatric surgery. As patients lose rapid...
Common Lab Tests

Common Lab Tests

Your healthcare provider always asks when you’ve last had labs done, and you feel like you’re getting poked and prodded every time you turn around … but WHY?! Even though we specialize in diabetes, most of the labs we monitor at Southside Diabetes are similar and/or...
Sugar Substitutes

Sugar Substitutes

Aspartame and saccharin and sucralose, oh my! With so many “zero sugar” options marketed as healthier options, what’s a person to do?! First things first. Portion control and moderation. Too much sugar isn’t good, nor is too much sugar substitute. And as always, get...
Perimenopause Before Age 40 

Perimenopause Before Age 40 

by Dr. Dana Stallings Menopause. We all know it’s coming. But at age 39, I wasn’t quite prepared to hear it. My mom told me she went through early menopause, so I knew that – genetically – I had it coming. I assumed mid-40s. But maybe not.  Around age 37 or 38...
I have Lyme Disease – and here’s what I’ve learned 

I have Lyme Disease – and here’s what I’ve learned 

by Dr. Dana Stallings In October 2022, I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease.  I had established with a new primary care nurse practitioner, and was complaining bitterly about how little energy I had. I’d get intermittent rashes on my body – especially across my...